About Where Is This Thing Called Love

Come… discover the magic of LOVE.

Is love the special prerogative of Jesus Christs, Mother Teresas and Buddhas? Can we find love in our lives? The kings and the queens, the rich and the paupers, the legends and the ordinary… - everyone wants to be loved; everyone is searching for love in their lives. In ‘Where is This Thing Called LOVE’, a soul-stirring 10-part audio course in the Challenge Your Comfort Zone Series, Mahatria discusses ways to find love in yourself, nurture love in your relationships and dissolve in your love for your Creator. You can only give what you have. If you are composed, you can comfort another. If you are agitated, you can irk another. If you are rich, you can share your prosperity. If you don’t have enough, what will you be able to give? In this series, Mahatria gets you to grow in love for yourself.
When was the last time you looked at your hand and thought it to be ‘another’? You have always seen it as a natural extension of ‘you’. And yet, you see your parents, your siblings, your spouse, your in-laws, your children, as separate from you. Acts of love are seen more from the spectacles of a transaction. Mahatria helps you recognize oneness in our relationships and expands your circumference of love. In this series, Mahatria helps you shift from asking, "Why me” for all your troubles to "Why me” for all your blessings". “There are no materialistic solutions to the emotional needs of a person. Love is the solution to the emotional needs” says Mahatria .
Watch Intro Video


Key Takeaways

  • Discover the 3 pillar relationships in your life

  • The 90-10 rule to recognise your blessings and understanding frivolity of begging in your prayers

  • The devious workings of ego and how happiness acts as a doorway to love

  • The importance of self-love

  • The greatest impediment to experiencing love

  • The simple and most effective practice to improve your expression of love

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1

    • Digital Discipline

    • Recognizing the Spiritual Oneness

  • 2

    Chapter 2

    • Beyond Differences

  • 3

    Chapter 3

    • 90-10 Rule to Recognize Your Blessings

  • 4

    Chapter 4

    • If God Had a Voice…

  • 5

    Chapter 5

    • Dear Me, Loving You...

  • 6

    Chapter 6

    • Live as YOU

  • 7

    Chapter 7

    • Let Go of Ego

  • 8

    Chapter 8

    • Deposits of Love

  • 9

    Chapter 9

    • Get Creative in Relationships

  • 10

    Chapter 10

    • The Language of Love

  • 11

    Chapter 11

    • The Power of Non-Sexual Touch

  • 12

    Chapter 12

    • Love All. Love All the Time…

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