About Holistic Score

It is time for you to step away from the comfort of being a one-role wonder and move toward your true potential of being a multi-role wonder.

If an organisation is to be great, all departments must be efficient. only one of the departments has to lose efficiency to slow down the progress of the entire organization. Similarly, for you to be healthy, every part of your body must be healthy. Even if one part is unhealthy you feel sick. For you to live a well-rounded life and do justice to your infinite potential, you must see constant growth in all the 5 important dimensions of life… health, wealth, love, bliss and spiritual connect. As an individual, don’t you too have a preference towards what type of challenges you like to solve as against those you would rather avoid.
In which of these 5 dimensions are you facing most challenges? What are you happily solving and what are you blatantly ignoring? ‘What is Your Holistic Score’, a life-changing 9-part course in the Challenge Your Comfort Zone Series, will play the mirror and guide you to clearly pin-point the area of your life that needs your immediate attention. Mahatria will also give you the 3 tenets to implement in each of the 5 dimensions to see maximise your score. It is time for you to step away from the comfort of being a one-role wonder and move toward your true potential of being a multi-role wonder.
Watch Intro Video


Key Takeaways

  • Uncover the root cause for the unending feeling of incompleteness

  • The 5 significant dimensions of holistic living – health, wealth, love, bliss and spiritual connect.

  • The 100-point scale to determine your holistic score and pin-point areas that need your immediate attention.

  • Discover the 3 tenets to implement in each of the 5 dimensions

  • Step away from the comfort of being a one-role wonder to become a multi-role wonder.

  • Understand the importance of identifying your weaknesses and working on them

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1

    • Digital Discipline

    • The Trap of Already Knowing It

  • 2

    Chapter 2

    • Why is There Incompleteness in Your Life

  • 3

    Chapter 3

    • Are You a One-Role Wonder?

  • 4

    Chapter 4

    • Your Holistic Score

  • 5

    Chapter 5

    • 3 Tenets to Abundant Health

  • 6

    Chapter 6

    • 3 Tenets to Abundant Wealth

  • 7

    Chapter 7

    • 3 Tenets to Abundant Love

  • 8

    Chapter 8

    • 3 Tenets to Abundant Bliss

  • 9

    Chapter 9

    • 3 Tenets to Spiritual Abundance

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